Children's Ministry Institute (CMI)
CEF® provides classes to train their workers and other Christians who are burdened for evangelizing children.
In fact, training Christians to effectively minister to children has been core the our of ministry since it was founded in 1937. Training is offered throughout the USA and around the world through seminars, conferences, and formal courses. Children's Ministry Institute®, a modular 3-month course located at CEF International Headquarters in Warrenton, Missouri, is dedicated to providing quality, practical training for those called of God to take the Gospel message to children.
Similar training is offered in various locations around the world. Courses are also offered online. Local children's workers and volunteers are enjoying the bi-weekly training classes, as well as the Teaching Children Effectively™ courses offered frequently in-person and online.

Local Training
- Possible TCE 1 course
- Fall GNC Kickoff training
- Two other Teacher/Volunteer trainings in the school year
- Winter and Summer trainings